דירוג צ'יימברס אנד פרטנרס תיקף את המלצתו על משרד G&A גם לשנת 2020. הדירוג מציין כי משרד G&A גלסברג, אפלבאום ושות' הוא מהמובילים בתחום הקניין הרוחני בישראל. עורך הדירוג הסביר את הבחירה:
"What the team is known for Well-regarded firm which garners particular recognition for its expertise in service inventions. Possesses notable experience handling patent matters for start-ups. Offers expertise in the areas of software and hi-tech, particularly chip development and cybersecurity. Active on a range of IP mandates including patent and trade mark infringement, licensing matters and oppositions.
Strengths A client appreciated that "they are very dedicated, thorough and responsive," adding: "They really understand technology and come up with good ideas. They are very proficient with all the details.""
Strengths A client appreciated that "they are very dedicated, thorough and responsive," adding: "They really understand technology and come up with good ideas. They are very proficient with all the details.""
מדריך צ'יימברס דירג גם את זיו גלסברג, כאחד מעורכי הדין ומעורכי הפטנטים המובילים בתחום הקניין הרוחני בכלל, והפטנטים וסימני המסחר בפרט. העורך הסביר גם בחירה זו:
"Ziv Glazberg advises clients on a wide range of IP disputes, with particular expertise in employee inventions. A happy client commented on his ability to "shape and adjust to customer needs," adding: "He has a very personal approach. He is very creative and unique in the way he thinks and creates the applications."
Ziv Glazberg is well regarded as a patent attorney and has an "amazingly good background in computer science," according to interviewees. Market observers say: "He is very diligent as a lawyer and very knowledgeable. He really understands the system and what will likely work and what will not.""
Ziv Glazberg is well regarded as a patent attorney and has an "amazingly good background in computer science," according to interviewees. Market observers say: "He is very diligent as a lawyer and very knowledgeable. He really understands the system and what will likely work and what will not.""